
There were days when people only said what they mean
and there were days when u realized a liar is sometimes what we have to be

There were days when i believed u will always with me
and there were days when i found u r not where u said u would be

There were days when u had the whole world spotlight on ur body
and there were days when u felt too isolated

There were days when people said that u are such a mystery
and there were days when u tried to hide but felt like naked

There were days when life's so easy
and there were days when u can hardly breath

There were days when u believed whatever u've seen
and there were days when u doubted what u have already believed

There were days when u were brave to move forward without questioning and there were days when u were alienated and lost the sense of security

There were days when we were too happy to burst into tears
And there were days when we only wished to laugh away our sadness

There were days when u were depressed to know that there’s always something out of reach
And there were days when u finally understood that love is at the end all we need essentially

There were days when I was a stranger and not involved in your history
And there are, there will be days when I am the only one who really matters in your story.

The end.

    創作者 Andrea  的頭像

    Andrea's Mermaid Diary

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